Getting to Know You

Ok, doing this by way of:
The questions.. (I’m answering before reading anyone elses so as to be authentic)

1. Do you have a fetish?
If defining fetish in a sexual way, then no. If defining it as something I obsessively like, then maybe: food.

2. Do you sing in the shower? Not really, but in the car, I belt it out like nobody’s business. And, I ‘m good.

3. Who was your first crush? Jimmy Clark, first grade.

4. What do you think is the best manly trait a guy could have?
Physically: biceps. They might be a fetish.. Oops
Personality wise: being able to make me and others laugh.

5. Do you sleep naked? No, with all these rolls and folds and stuff, I need absorbancy. Too much info? As usual.

6. What do you do when (you think) no one is looking? Pick my hair, fart, make faces, roll my eyes, and flip the bird. (not really on the last one)

7. What’s the first thing you do when you go online?
Lately, facebook.

8. Summer is…..?
Delicious, lazy, the best part of my job, hot, sometimes boring, and way, way too short.

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