Updates/Rambling illiterate style…

-haven’t felt like writing
-been doing lots of reading: Lincoln b David Herbert Donald; Hoot, The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo; Under the War Torn Sky; various blogs, the Wapo, and the People mag
-started fixing up the bathroom, but waiting until the showering two move out (tomorrow!) seriously 2 showers a day each?
-redesigned bedroom, but need cash
-plans for kitchen but see above
-plans to maybe go to river w/a friend !!
-plans to go to my parents’ place for a few
-two day class that starts tomorrow
-and a painting class!
-in a foul mood today
-Pioneer Woman was in person exactly as she is online: boots, smile, dimples, long red hair, sweet as honey….
-I’m intrigued by Abraham Lincoln, and also, I’ve been reading the letters of R.E. Lee since they were a free download for iPhone
-cleaned up the porch, but need a fan out there, and some lights, and a few plants
-I fail at tomato plants
-the rosemary is growing!
-I killed a hosta

I’m looking forward to next school year which is crazy considering the last one, but oh well.

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