
Found this idea on  babbling abby who got it from I Teach for a Living…
from Murdock’s Mama.
Outside my window.. sunny and warm – not too hot
The time is: 1:20

I am feeling: sad that summer is over and I didn’t get to the beach.

I am thinking: How will this school year go?

At the moment, I am thankful..that I had a long summer break
I am going.. nowhere today, but later I may clean/do laundry.
I am wearing.. pajamas
I wish.. I could do more to fix the problems in th world

I am reading..nothing at this moment really, but a stack awaits
I am working on.. painting
I am hoping.. that my students will not be drama filled ghetto rats
I am hearing.. meow, meow
I bet you didn’t know.. I am a loner and pretty shy
One of my favorite…things is to read about court cases and unsolved murders
My weekend plans include.. finishing the bathroom, doing laundry, going to painting class, making spaghetti, probably going out to breakfast and reading the Sunday Post.

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